Crowd Casting evolves Radio Services to Communities

TechCrunch is reporting about a new radio trend, the use of crowd casting applications enabling listeners to suggest and vote for songs to be played on air. This is not really new, but in the social networking era it got a new quality and interactivity today has become a success factor and as tv goes social by smart tv so does radio.

To realize such votings and suggestions a small group of specialized software providers arised. Regarding the success it is reported that a small local station by integrating such features has become the favorite station in its region. To get further information read the article Radio Freaks Out: First Cox Media-Owned Radio Station Turns Over Control To Listeners 24/7 On Web And Mobile.

TRAEXS Directory Links: Online RadioMusic Business

Online Radio with and for Newcomers and Unsigned Artists

In short amazing is the header of the business site AmazingMusic bringing in combination with the music portal AmazingTunes an online radio with and for newcomers and unsigned artists.

The result of the whole bundle is an online radio playing new music with the special feature of being moderated, which is something rather new in the online music world. Musicians are able to upload their music and being introduced and played in the radio stream. Furthermore the service generates charts and assorts the uploaded music by genres playable seperately. Additionally listeners are able to create personalized playlists.

The idea is fun and the music is as well, especially if you are like me just listening online and listen to radio rarely. It is a real online radio or radio experience online. To get further information for musicians visit AmazingMusic and to listen to music AmazingTunes is recommended.

TRAEXS Directory Links: Online RadiosOnline Radio SearchMusic Promotion

Music Video Charts at YouTube

YouTube has launched a new chart service especially dedicated to music videos. Following various general ranking services like the latest and most comprehensive service YouTube Trends, the new service located at is the first one just about music. And it is comfortable by listing charts of various genres.

As a YouTube service the new charts are important and interesting at all. But there is another peculiarity compared to other chart services usually listing just commercially created music videos. The YouTube chart service lists both commercially created music videos as well as videos created by users and independent artists and the like, which is a great pool of creativity by counting user generated videos in the sense of mashups and some great independent music maybe not found elsewhere. Further information about the service is available by the official blog post about the launch of the service and at the YouTube Music Charts Portal.

The YouTube 100 music chart is live

TRAEXS Directory Links: Music VideosMusic Business

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