Online Music Collaboration Software

Online music collaboration using musistic works by a plugin, which uses audio software installed on computers. By this the app enables recording and synchronization of various recordings by various musicians to become one track. It facilitates the asynchronous collaboration opposed to some other services enabling live collaboration.

The procedure starts by the upload of a track by one musician, who invites others to work on the track. At the end the various parts are mixed to become one complete track. A precondition is an audio software installed on the computer, which is compatible with the plugin. Further information about supported audio software is available at the HowTo site.

To those who do not aim to collaborate live musistic is a reasonable option. There is a free version for two musicians and a premium version without limitation on participants. Furthermore versions for studios and students are available. To learn more visit the homepage of musistic.

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Online Audio Mastering Solution

Following the music software Soundtrap here comes the next solution. It is an online audio mastering software called Landr.

By being an online service Landr is a software based solution regarding the way audio recordings are mastered. This is not just cheaper than a studio but by being an on demand solution it is probably even more affordable than most other software solutions. And regarding its features it is real fast. The first step done by Landr is mastering an audio file automaticly. According to the website this already provides acceptable and well done results. This automatic step needs just some minutes. After the first step the result is available to be improved manually.

The prices of the service are staggered by the amount of audio files and the quality of the files to be processed. It starts with a free version rather to give it a try and ends at USD 39.- per month with no limits of files. Further information is available at the homepage of Landr.

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Music Collaboration Software with integrated Music Software

The music software Soundtrap provides various options to make and record music. It is available to both computers and mobile devices leading to independence regarding the location to work on your music.

After installing the app instruments may become connected to your device to record music. This may work alone or even together with other musicians by integrated collaboration features. Both is feasible not just by connecting instruments but as well by integrated software instruments provided by the app.

The recorded music is stored in the cloud. This leads to the comfortable situation to be able to work through the music from any location. At all Soundtrap integrates all steps of music making, which is followed at the end by sharing facilities and connections to iTunes and Spotify to make money by sales or streams. To learn more visit the homepage of Soundtrap.

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Free DJ App

edjing is describing itself by being the world best dj app and the first one with a multi sourcing music library. This may be true by 10 million app installations alone on Android devices. And this figure sounds astonishing for itself by thinking about how many people have fun doing djing.

According to the number of installations the features are great of course. The already mentioned multi sourcing is giving access to the music library on computers as well as to the music services of Deezer, iTunes and Soundcloud. It goes on with the surface, which e.g. may display two turntables. This is accompanied by various effects like having a vintage sound by doing scratching. Prelistening to tracks to be played is enabled by smartphone headsets. There are a free and a premium version available. To learn more visit edjing.

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New Music Software Bitwig launched

Bitwig is a new music software, which has been announce for long already and now it has been launched. They are promising a lot, using the latest technology and having optimized the workflow of music production. It is available for all major operating systems, but with US$ 299.- it is not cheap. Having the latest technology one may wonder why it does not come out of the cloud. According to the press release Bitwig is going on tour and will musicians enable to view the feature of the software live both in the US and Europe. This is a big announcement. To learn more about the software you may view the video below and visit the website: Bitwig.

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